
Pepino, Buah Pengobatan Dewa


Jalan-jalan santai ke Hypermart, ketemu buah unik, nama buah ini cukup menggelitik karena terkesan cute dan lucu, betuknya secara umum tampak seperti buah terong, tapi ternyata sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. dari label yang tertulis pada produknya tertulis informasi sebagai berikut:

Pepino atau nama lainnya : Melon Piore Sweet Cucumber atau Solanum Muricatum Aiton atau ada yang menyebut buah Melodi. Buah ini berasal dari wilayah Andrean Colombia, Peru, Chile

Aromanya menyerupai aroma melon dengan daging buah berwarna ungu dan berubah kekuningan ketika matang. Rasa buah matang akan terasa manis semanis melon tetapi dengan rasa manis yang lebih samar. Kulit buah yang mentah, berwarna unggu dengan corak garis-garis coklat dan berubah menguning ketika matang atau ada juga yang berwarna ungu berbintik putih dengan corak garis. Buah ini terdiri atas biji kecil berjumlah banyak dengan warna kecoklatan.

Perbandingkan ukuran buah Pepino dengan Jeruk
Kandungan Gizi
Lemak(%) (0,0171)
Protein (%) (0,6473)
Serat (%) (0,0779)
Vitamin C(mg/100g) (25.1194)
Alkohol (%) (0%)
Asam (mg/100kg) (79.3368)
Beta Karoten (mg/100g) (26.6088)

Dilihat dari kandungan gizinya, terutama betakaroten dan vitamin C yang terkandung didalamnya buah ini sangat baik bagi kesehatan. Menurut para ahli buah Pepino ini bagus di konsumsi bagi kaum perempuan yang menderita asam urat karena bermanfaat untuk mengobati : Tekanan Darah Tinggi, Panas Dalam, Disentri, Ambeyen/wasir, asam urat. ada juga yang mengatakan bagus untuk mengobati sariawan, sembelit, anti aging bahkan anti kangker.

Enak kan? Sambil makan buah, sambil mengobati penyakit yang anda derita. Buah ini dapat anda temukan di Hipermart atau Foodmart.

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Mind, Body, and Happiness

Mind, Body, and Happiness
By Richard H Gregory

Common sense tells you that you're happy if your mind and body are happy. And common sense is right, because there's solid reasoning behind it. Neither can be healthy without the other because each has needs and desires that can be satisfied only with the help of the other. A positive attitude is key to that cooperation and to health. It's sort of like that old joke to the effect that if Momma's happy, everyone is happy.

The Momma (sorry dudes, that's the way the joke goes) in this case is the partnership between your mind and body. Obviously, they're closely intertwined. Less obviously, one can't exist without the other because each has needs and desires that can be satisfied only with the help of the other. What's that mean? Only that your health and your happiness depends on their degree of cooperation. The evidence is overwhelming if you look at the possibilities.

What happens when they don't cooperate?

Well, what happens when your body has an allergy? Anything from itching to anaphylactic shock. Right? Wouldn't you say that affects the mind? How about the flu? Do you feel tired? Can you think clearly? Your body's problems are messing with your mind.

What happens when your mind has a problem? Do you get depressed and overeat or drink too much? What does that do to your body? What sort of mental and physical stress do you think this generates?

On the other hand, what happens when they cooperate?

Your mind doesn't force destructive activities on your body and your body doesn't burden your mind with avoidable illnesses, preventable alarms, and crisis alerts. Instead, they look out for one another, they have a positive attitude. Your body makes sure your mind is well fed and that waste is efficiently removed. Your mind returns the favor by keeping an eye out for situations that could damage your body and by overseeing general operations. This cooperation and benign environment frees up mental resources that help you advance towards whatever goals you've set for yourself.

There's a third case where the mind and body cooperate, but one or the other has limited capacity. Even then, happiness is possible. It's likely to be more difficult and may require some adjustments, but it's possible. The evidence is in folks whose options are limited in some respect yet who lead satisfying, and in some cases spectacular, lives (Stephan Hawking is one example).

Obviously cooperation, even under trying conditions, leads to better results. Which would you choose? Granted, wild behavior that pits mind against body sounds like more fun, if you don't mind paying the price later on. But is it? Where's the fun in poor health, the outrageous expenses that usually go with the wild behavior, and the family problems you bring on yourself?

Think about it.

Richard H Gregory is an engineer, project manager, and writer with a deep interest in human potential and in positive thinking. He started as an introverted farm kid, taught himself positive thinking principles, applied them through a set of procedures he developed, and became a professional who was comfortable with a wide variety of people in an even wider variety of social and professional situations. Please visit for more information on the positive thinking principles and procedures that you can use to reprogram your own mind.

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How to Improve Your Life by Being More Patient

How to Improve Your Life by Being More Patient

By Gary T

You can improve your life as well as the lives of the people around you by mastering the art of patience. Not only that, but you'll also become a calmer and more peaceful person yourself. However, you might find that you're patient in some areas, and lacking in others. That is to be expected but no matter where you stand, you can always further develop the skill of patience. Here are useful insights..

Remember That Everyone Is Different

Are you accepting of yourself and others? It's quite difficult to avoid comparing yourself to others, and when you do compare, you might be setting yourself up for disappointment. For example, if you're attempting to learn a new skill, it might take you longer to become an expert and that's okay. If you have the patience to see it through to the end, you'll eventually get there.

There are also certain things that people don't have any control over, and as fate may have it, you may have to display quite a bit more patience than someone else in the same situation. If you accept the situation you've been given, you'll certainly have an easier time of it!

Help Others With Their Skills

Do you find yourself in situations where you become easily frustrated with others? Perhaps they haven't done as good a job as you think you could do.

Rather than letting those negative emotions fester inside you, take action to fix the situation instead. Lend a helping hand in order to help them develop their skill. Teach others instead of resorting to anger and frustration!

Helping others benefits everyone involved in the long run, and all it takes is the patience to help others with the little tasks.

Act Rather Than React

When a lack of patience starts to bring out you frustrations, there's probably something you can do besides just thinking about the situation. If you keep yourself busy, there won't be any time to let the frustration show.

Just tell yourself that you don't have the option of waiting. You can either take action to fix the situation, or occupy your time with something more beneficial to you. Instead of waiting, maybe there's something else you can do that's enjoyable. You can even just take joy in experiencing the present moment and relax.

Count To Ten

Sometimes you may feel like you're at the end of your rope and fear that you may react inappropriately because of a lack of patience. In this case you can practice the "count to ten" rule. Tell yourself that no matter what, you can't react immediately to a situation. Take a deep breath and slowly count to ten. These brief moments may be all it takes to get you to act calmly and rationally.

See Things From Another Point Of View

You can also get into the habit of seeing things from another point of view. When all else has failed, put yourself into another person's shoes and broaden your horizons. Understand that everyone is not like you; they don't have the same thoughts, opinions, or abilities. Seeing the same situation through the eyes of others may be enough to bring you wisdom and patience.

Incorporate these techniques into your daily life and, rather than facing the frustration of impatience, you'll feel the joy that more patience and understanding brings!
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